How can we change the approach to road construction and road infrastructure in Ukraine to ensure that the reconstruction is fast and of high quality?
Maksym Shkil, founder of Autostrada Group, shared in his column for Ekonomichna Pravda that in order to implement changes effectively, each industry should offer a vision for the development of its segment.
This will help to generate a global vision of the sector development.
What are the key elements of infrastructure reconstruction program?
1. It is necessary to establish a clear timeframe for the restoration of the road network, including all artificial structures: up to five years.
2. A transparent and understandable mechanism for planning financial expenditures for infrastructure restoration for at least three to five years should be launched at the state level.
3. Creation of network of highways that will connect cities with more than a million people and the western borders with Ukrainian ports.
4. All cities with more than one million inhabitants and regional centers should receive high-quality, well-thought-out bypass roads that will be designed for the existing traffic volumes.
5. The state should focus not only on restoring the road network, but also on expanding and improving it.
6. The network should be developed in such a way as to unlock the potential of tourist Ukraine.
7. The problem of long-term construction projects should be resolved at the state level.
8. The principle of “design - build – operate” (DBO) should be introduced.
9. Criteria for selecting bidders for all construction projects should be introduced at the legislative level.
10. The CESSM4 pricing system should be implemented, and the Soviet “resource” pricing norms should become a thing of the past.
Read the justification of each element of the program in Maksym Shkil’s column in Ekonomichna Pravda.